Notes: This is not my collection, but rather be the CS:GO community members who created these collection, and I find them interesting to share. Credits by the owner at the end of this post.
Tarot Collection - Series 1 is the first hand of tarot cards represented in weapons. Each weapon is a card, or a Major Arcanum, with unique thematic illustrations and a touch of the occult.
The first series contains six different cards:
0 - The Fool - P90 III - The Empress - AK-47 XIII - Death - AWP XVIII & XIX - The Moon & The Sun - Dual Berettas XX - Judgement - Desert Eagle
We intend to release the whole Major Arcana deck of cards (22 total) if the Collection gets a positive review.
May fortune favor you!

Credits by: Zaphk (Steam URL:
Item AK-47 The Empress has been accepted into Counter Strike: Global Offensive, and may appears as drops in game.
This is why I don't fire up CS:GO anymore. My wallet likes me so much more now.
I never use the P50, but I really like that skin.
The AWP, the P90 and the Desert Eagle are my personal favourites because the characteristics of those guns suit well with the theme of the skins that go to those guns. The AWP always signifies death to whoever the barrel is pointing at, the P90 is a rather playful kind of SMG that fools tend to use to rack kills and the Desert Eagle's seemingly random chance of scoring headshots judges whether or not your next trigger pull is a headshot or a miss.
They looks so dope~