Everyone knows about the big amount of bots you can use on your Discord server.
Every bot has it's own thing, it's very own features.
Noëlla has it's own features too, Noëlla is based on the
anime character Noel from the anime: Sora no Method.
Noëlla is made in the coding language Python and Discord.py Lib.
Special Profile System (currently being upgraded)
Emotes and Expressions. (Partnered with weeb.sh)
Anime Related command such as; MyAnimeList searh.
Fun commands such as; GuessTheCharacter and more.
Utility commands such as; User Information and Guild Information.
Social commands such as; Reputation and Currency.
And more to expect soon!
Noëlla is still in development.
I encourage everyone to let me know when something went wrong
or if you have any questions or feedbacks.
Website: https://www.noella.moe/docs/
Discord Guild: http://discord.noella.moe/
Discord Bot List: https://discordbots.org/bot/357852849029513216

Thanks Piggu! <3
Keep reminding me and I'll add her to my server so that others can give you feedback about her. :)
To the point how she is now, it took me I think two week!
Working so much on her that I forgot when I made her!
Edit: Just checked the account created date; Little less then two weeks
Very awesome! How long did it take you to make her?