Do you need another discord server? :3 Well you guys should join my totally amazing and rad server We've got it all folks, gaming channels, music bots, NSFW bots for the kinky ones ;) you name it. .Sometimes i host giveaways *if you count linking humble bundles that give away free games a giveaway* .Currently about 50 people in the server, but never at the same time, its usually the same 3 or 4 people that are active in my server :/ 90% of the time its a nice community, lately not a whole lot of people have been on so lets crank those numbers up shall we? Perma link: Totally down to partner~ **What i want to be able to do is host little game tournaments to prove witch server and player is the best :3 all for bragging rights of course and maybe you can win some prizes idk~** Since this is also an NSFW community, im totally down to partner with other NSFW communities as well .Just make sure that if you do join, ill be bombarding you with questions >:D so i can give you the proper roles since the bots dont want to do it anymore .i am ALWAYS on discord, no matter what discord says, just either @me in the chat or pm me and ill answer :3 .i usually only give Mod or staff roles to people i know IRL, but if i feel like i can trust you and youre a super nice person, then mayybeee ill hit you up with a mod who knows :3

Well it's good but the profile pic says another thing to me I m guessing a server with hentai lover and I also many ones I like papaHh hentai and many others too