Korean as an Additional Language
✎ About the server: K.A.L. is a Korean language learning server that is dedicated to helping people of all proficiency levels in the Korean language. This is a full-on intensive learning server. We focus heavily on practice and teach all of the aspects of Korean. We have native speakers that will gladly help you out. Everyone is welcome!
☆ What we offer 🏅 - friendly members and staff 📚 - intensive practice with the Korean language 🌏 - native speakers that will help you Hope to see you there! Perm Inv: https://discord.gg/dRrYWUs Types of servers looking to partner with:
follow Discord’s ToS
we do not ping @/everyone or @/here
must have a description
must not require a rep
We allow partnerships with servers that are not completely NSFW. Contact: @Jin Galaxable#7777