Welcome to The largest Girls Only Club... where boys can join on Discord!

Hosted Music Bots
Community Events
Karaoke Voice Channel
Role Play Channels
Diverse and friendly members
We have weekly giveaways, active text and voice channels, Color roles (with special roles that all members are eligible to work towards), a Global Leveling System, NSFW channels, SFW options for those who want to avoid NSFW content.
Permanent invite link:

We are the official Discord server of the Sinical Anime Network!

New server pic. <3
New Server Logo!
Be sure to stop by and let us know how it looks. :)
New Server Logo!
Be sure to stop by and let us know how it looks. :)
Hey, I recognize this server! :P
Halloween Art Contest is now LIVE!!!
We have some new logos!!! 💜
These were created by xX-Inso-Xx#3432.
We are hosting our 2018 Summer Artwork Contest! Be sure to vote or even submit your own artwork!
New Server icon. <3
Our channels tend to evolve constantly to meet the needs of the current members.
I hope to see some new faces stop by to check us out! :)