Description of your server: A server for basically chilling and meeting others at times, we can get a bit wild at times, and out of hand; but if anything the admins of the server will try and calm things down before it gets out of control. We revolve around anime related topics, Gaming, NSFW at times, and aesthetic art. We have a section where, you can advertise your own edits/you-tube channels/ social media related things.
Basic Rules- 1) No child porn, and other inhumane things. 2) Multiple messages within a 1 minute interval will result in a mute. 3) No advertising, (even private messaging our members) will result in a kick. If you want to partner you can pm any admin, and ask to partner to help one another's server grow.
📷Charlie 📷
「 X a n n y. 」— ❥ a.k.a Me.
📷Tati 📷️
J.D a.k.a【❧10-14-17❧】
📷Along with a few others you'll soon find out once you're in.📷

Type of servers you are looking for to partner with: Looking for an anime like server to partner up with to spread our info about other anime's out there, that others would like to talk about, and be recommended to.
Do you partner with people who have NSFW content on their community: Yes, we partner with servers that post NSFW content.
Permanent invite link to your server:
Person to contact at the server (include the #): 「 X a n n y. 」— ❥#9105 The contact of the server owner.