Gaming/Anime/Manga with a bit of Neko touch group named Neko Land are recruiting active Anime people to their ranks! If you are active, love to talk, game or simply discuss anime, then do join, you will be welcomed
And Little info about our group
We have our ranks, leveling ones and honorable ones.
Our rules.
Weekly events.
Self-assigned roles.
Not that strict Staff members.
Monthly giveaways, weekly if the prize isn't too expensive.
Well searched group emotes.
Roleplay segments.
Ofc Anime channels.
Possibility to win custom server tags.
You can remove your mention role, if you don't need it.
NSFW content, that's only self assigned!
a Selfie corner.
Multi language corner.
Staff members that are trying to improve the server.
Always open for suggestions.
Simply a chill place to hang out in!
And other community like stuff!
Searching for ways to spice things up : ) So give it a thought and join up
! Maybe this will be the place where you feel comfortable enough to call The home for cats ^_^ link to our server - And the servers mascot -

I think that I have joined just about every group that has "Neko" in their name lol.
Love the theme!~