Currently looking for some who would like to organize member events to help the community come together. Examples being contests, gaming sessions, and Anime streaming events.
Have any experience with this and would like to join the team or simply have some great ideas? Contact himetenshii and let her know!

I am a happy, hyped person that is active and likes to compete and play different games. Soon i will be able to stream many games with friends and other people that wants to join. Overwatch.Csgo,R6s,Osu!,Rocketleague and other games. I work good in pair so if someone else would like to stream or host things with me that would be great. active atleast 8-9 hour per day. Things i have in mind:
Lan sessions with people on the server. RP matches/tournament Drawing contests And more... :D :happy:
o/ Heyooo I'm Tyrell#3167 in the discord and I'm interested in being on the event team! The server is large and active, and I'm surprised that there aren't more active events going on. I'd like to be apart of the team so I can help change that! My ideas include IRL contests (that still respect people's privacy for those with anxieties), gaming contests/events, and flash giveaways that only last maybe 1-2 hours for those people that are active when the giveaway starts. I'm willing to contribute time, effort, and prizes. I'm dedicated and determined once I start a project, and I'm ready to help the server that I've grown to love! If you decide to pass on me in favor of someone else, please let me know and I'll just tell you the contest ideas I have instead of hosting them myself :) Thank you for reading~
Well helloo there sinical team Jay Kurusaki here and I want to be an Event host So that i may be able to start to work towards a big goal. I am able to host Drawing contest , Writing contest, Cosplay for prizes to gift cards and other cool stuff. Also want to host anime viewing streams and Other events. I have a big big idea for the sincial server that will Amp up participation. BUT i should mention Not only do i want to be apart to host events i want to help you out with your own. If you need a Sponsor for you your event or just someone to help you handle your event i want to be a team player. Hope you you choose me and im here for the team
Damn it Sini it's been far too long
Bringing back Hunger Games and maybe anime streaming (got some good sharing sites OwOb)
Please just give me a good reason to stick along to this server that I once loved so damn much
that is all :>
I’m interested, most likely I'd host anime streams. And manage the community member events.
IRL Name: Max
Discord Name: Artemis#1634
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Why am I applying for this job?: because it will allow me to expand my interests in creating a more fun and well put together community of fun and enthusiastic players and people.
why should I have the job?: I'm great with everyone, I'm not very good with the language barrier as I only speak English but apart from that I am welcoming to talk to anyone who will listen. and if they don't listen they don't have to (unless its breaking the rules not to listen and in that case i'll have to put my foot down)
What do I have that will benefit me and the community by getting this job?: I have a Cyperpowers 2TB fast and powerful gaming PC with 40+games on it with more able to be added. I have a funimation subscription for people who want to watch anime of the community's choice. I have a HUGE background in the roleplaying community.
Joining the event team would be a good opportunity in order to organize some giveaways. Working alone wouldn't give any good advantages for the server itself about the organization part. I am interested to join this team to bring more events to this server especially during special events like Xmas, Easter, etc (steam gift cards and maybe Nitro subscriptions (yearly or monthly)?).
o yis
Am interested to this. I have arranged event such as game events before and used to help people with events in here and previous community
Hai so yea my name is Sleepy and yes i have done alot of events in this server. I do them every 2 days or so (i dont rly count x3) but im very intrested in this so i can get some proper permissions to work with. And such i will start working soon tho but that shouldnt hinder me too much.
have done a self supported contest (the halloween picture edit)
I stream Anime, Ova's, Movies and series
I also play alot of games and play with ppl on the server. (havent rly said it in events but prob will start)
I would do more contests but i cant support them with prizes atm
I rly want the events to get pretty popular its fun to do :3
I'm interested in those position!
I have lots of ideas including
Anime streams
Karaoke Events
Game events (CAH, Town of Salem, Uno online, overwatch tournaments and lots more)
I also have ideas for interactive events such as Truth or Dare (clean and non invasive), themed story telling and many others!
I'm also open to other users ideas so we can expand on them and make them to the best they can be!
I’m interested, most likely doing anime streams and cards against humanity,
good idea sini