We have moved the Moderator applications to the website to make things more visible. I have a copy of all the previous applications sent in but it cannot hurt to reapply here to be sure that we have received your application.
This is a position where we bring on new moderators only when there are slots available, but anyone can apply at anytime to show interest. We tend to pull new moderators from the applications submitted here.
What does it mean to be a Moderator here?
Moderators are active members of the community that have the ability to protect the server by preventing conversations from becoming toxic, removing inappropriate content, being an ear to member concerns, and removing people who are not good for the community.
Most importantly, Moderators are apart of the community and should feel trusted by the members they help serve.
Please post below answering the following questions:
#1. Why do you have an interest in moderating for this community?
#2. Are you friends with the members here (generally)?
#3. Will you feel empowered to provide ideas/suggestions/concerns to the other staff?
#4. What is your favorite channel in Life Needs a Little Sin...not judging. :)
P.S. This is NOT the place to post funny submissions as I am taking this process seriously.

#1. Why do you have an interest in moderating for this community?
#2. Are you friends with the members here (generally)?
#3. Will you feel empowered to provide ideas/suggestions/concerns to the other staff?
#4. What is your favorite channel in Life Needs a Little Sin...not judging. :)
#1 i would like to help moderate the community as it has been my home for a long time now, i have made many friends here and had many things happen with the community as a catylyst i would not be in the position i am today without the server and i hope for others to be able to experience the same bonds and community that i have, and for those who try to ruin the paradise to hush hush them with tender love and care c: and pillows in their sleep so they dont breathe i mean uh yeah #2 idk they all hate me like especially that Illy character, i think she sent an assassin once..... but yeah i think i know and am friendly with most people active within lnals and i do try to make friends with those who only know me by name and nothing else #3 if i see a need for a change then i would attempt to the best of my ability to be able to provide worth while suggestions and changes, c: 4# hmm choco sends good stuff in pics real realm but for more general talking i would say both gen AND lewd gen -the magic man