We have moved the Moderator applications to the website to make things more visible. I have a copy of all the previous applications sent in but it cannot hurt to reapply here to be sure that we have received your application.
This is a position where we bring on new moderators only when there are slots available, but anyone can apply at anytime to show interest. We tend to pull new moderators from the applications submitted here.
What does it mean to be a Moderator here?
Moderators are active members of the community that have the ability to protect the server by preventing conversations from becoming toxic, removing inappropriate content, being an ear to member concerns, and removing people who are not good for the community.
Most importantly, Moderators are apart of the community and should feel trusted by the members they help serve.
Please post below answering the following questions:
#1. Why do you have an interest in moderating for this community?
#2. Are you friends with the members here (generally)?
#3. Will you feel empowered to provide ideas/suggestions/concerns to the other staff?
#4. What is your favorite channel in Life Needs a Little Sin...not judging. :)
P.S. This is NOT the place to post funny submissions as I am taking this process seriously.

#1. Why do you have an interest in moderating for this community?
I enjoy being part of this community and I want to help out with this community as best as I can. I think I can help this community when in need when things go down hill so they can have someone else they can turn to. When ever I am part of a community that I enjoy being a part of, I will want to help out with them and so they can reach out to me.
#2. Are you friends with the members here (generally)?
I am friends with the members that do chat on the server, I can get along with almost everyone on the server and such. I am also a person who is approchable so if anyone has any questions on the server, I can be one of the options they can come to. I love the community that this server has had and made some great friends, the best thing I can do is help them out when they need help.
#3. Will you feel empowered to provide ideas/suggestions/concerns to the other staff?
Give a man or a women just a little bit of power and they will say and do just about anything. If I was giving the power of admin, I know I am not the all powerful, there are the other people who have more authority then me on the server and I will follow them. I do not make the rules on the server, I just enforce them when the time comes.
#4. What is your favorite channel in Life Needs a Little Sin...not judging. :)
Personally, it's the general chat, I get to talk to everyone and meet new people when they join the server. You can get into some interesting conversations with the people there sometimes. Oh and the VC channels as I get to talk to people and hear their voices, it's general chat but just more fun in my opinion.
If anyone has any questions that they would like to ask me, then they are free to ask me at anytime.
#1. Why do you have an interest in moderating for this community?
#2. Are you friends with the members here (generally)?
#3. Will you feel empowered to provide ideas/suggestions/concerns to the other staff?
#4. What is your favorite channel in Life Needs a Little Sin...not judging. :)
#1 i would like to help moderate the community as it has been my home for a long time now, i have made many friends here and had many things happen with the community as a catylyst i would not be in the position i am today without the server and i hope for others to be able to experience the same bonds and community that i have, and for those who try to ruin the paradise to hush hush them with tender love and care c: and pillows in their sleep so they dont breathe i mean uh yeah #2 idk they all hate me like especially that Illy character, i think she sent an assassin once..... but yeah i think i know and am friendly with most people active within lnals and i do try to make friends with those who only know me by name and nothing else #3 if i see a need for a change then i would attempt to the best of my ability to be able to provide worth while suggestions and changes, c: 4# hmm choco sends good stuff in pics real realm but for more general talking i would say both gen AND lewd gen -the magic man
Im MoonShine. I want to mod just to help lewd chat more. I just want that section. I'm always there and have tons of friends in the community. I've talked to others about becoming mod today becuse I feel we should have our own pin area to save funny moments. Im not here to empower myself. Just help out lewd chat. That's my home. They are my people. I want us to have that. Please concider me. Thank you.
#1. Why do you have an interest in moderating for this community?
>I want to help people who need help or in questions
#2. Are you friends with the members here (generally)?
>Not too much, but that's enough for me, And I like the fact that good friends im can only be found here! x3
#3. Will you feel empowered to provide ideas/suggestions/concerns to the other staff?
>I would like to make an offer to help the server
#4. What is your favorite channel in Life Needs a Little Sin...not judging.
>I like the most channel #member-creations★ I see people who spend a lot of energy on art.
it inspires me a lot, I don't even know what else to add, this is a good channel!
#1. Why do you have an interest in moderating for this community?
i want to show newcomers a friendly environment which they can share their cultures and bond with our old members!
#2. Are you friends with the members here (generally)?
i am friends with most people! I still have a bit hardship talking with older members that's already close to each other, but i'll get to know them over time!
#3. Will you feel empowered to provide ideas/suggestions/concerns to the other staff?
Seeing how there's already a lot of mods, i would prefer to stay upon the sidelines and just vote if anyone have specific suggestions that could affect the server/peeps.
#4. What is your favorite channel in Life Needs a Little Sin...not judging. :)
#general, as the people there are the most active.
#1. Why do you have an interest in moderating for this community?
I feel that there's a strong need for new staff with more diverse locations and time zones to increase the stability and effectiveness of modding in the server. I feel like it's necessary for me to attempt applying for these reasons and to make the chat a better place for everyone.
#2. Are you friends with the members here (generally)?
I think anyone who is a frequenter on the server would be able to at least recognize me. I also have a vast amount of friends and connections in the server that I would deem necessary for someone with the position of moderator. I want to be someone who could be easily approached by anyone who needs a mod's help for whatever the reason.
#3. Will you feel empowered to provide ideas/suggestions/concerns to the other staff?
I will definitely do exactly that. I will provide feedback and suggest methods that I would deem necessary for the situation.
#4. What is your favorite channel in Life Needs a Little Sin...not judging. :)
General is definitely my favorite chat on the server. It is the one I frequent the most and the one I find needs the most help in terms of modding. It should be a safe hub for everyone and should be enforced and advertised as such.
#1. Why do you have an interest in moderating for this community?
Because I've been on this server for two years and it's current state of affairs affects both me and my friends.
#2. Are you friends with the members here (generally)?
Maybe. Ask around.
#3. Will you feel empowered to provide ideas/suggestions/concerns to the other staff?
Definitely i never shy away from speaking up and stating my mind.
#4. What is your favorite channel in Life Needs a Little Sin...not judging. :)
General chat though its current state saddens me as i feel like the rules, especially the no NSFW rule is not being correctly enforced.
#1. Why do you have an interest in moderating for this community?
I have heard of the issue that this server doesn't like third party bots because of their untrusted nature. I believe using bots is an efficient way to moderate this server. While I'm less interested in moderating all the channels by myself since I believe I won't be available at all times on all channels, I'm willing to create bots on request regardless of complexity.
#2. Are you friends with the members here (generally)?
Some, yeah.
#3. Will you feel empowered to provide ideas/suggestions/concerns to the other staff?
#4. What is your favorite channel in Life Needs a Little Sin...not judging. :)
1) I want to contribute to the feeling of community. Making the best, most engaging experience possible and to allow the space for people to feel involved, regardless of their level of activity.
I don't only want to develop the community aspect, but also to ensure that things are looked over. That the rules are enforced, but are neither an obstacle to the members or a weapon to those moderating.
2) I'd be led to think that I'm rather friendly. I will admit that some conflict has occurred on occasion, however in general, I have a good relationship with people. I'm fairly active and engage in conversation whenever I am present in the server. Even if I don't engage in conversation with anyone, I still have a presence and it is known.
While my presence can be controversial, I don't have any clear conflicts with anyone as I try to be very friendly to everyone. Even in the case where I am engaged in a conflict with someone, I try to be as respectful as possible. I would never attack people on a personal level.
3) Of course. Feedback is key to the development of anything. If I were to make a suggestion, it would be for the good of the community. There's no downside to feedback.
4) General. It's where the most activity is, where the new members are, and where old members return to. It is the central hub for the community. There's almost always something going on in general and the content of discussions as well as the interactions that start there affect the activity of the whole server.
reuploading since it's been like, what, half an year?
#1. Why do you have an interest in moderating for this community?
I've been along with this server much longer than any server I have ever found on Discord. The members are friendly, the mods and admins are (99% of the time) active and caring. There are many stuff to do around the server besides chatting. I feel like I can relief all of my stress and (slight) depressions from IRL to here, when I come on and greet my great friendos. :D
#2. Are you friends with the members here (generally)?
Well yes.
#3. Will you feel empowered to provide ideas/suggestions/concerns to the other staff?
Yep. I have SO many ideas for this channel, especially special events for the holidays and other times too. :DDD
It feels like I'm actually contributing to this platform rather than just being a part of it
#4. What is your favorite channel in Life Needs a Little Sin...not judging. :)
Mainly #general now ;)))) and #event-team ;))))
#1. Why do you have an interest in moderating for this community?
When I first joined the community, everyone was so welcoming and willing to help, I want to return the favor.
#2. Are you friends with the members here (generally)?
Yeah, the majority of sin members know me.
#3. Will you feel empowered to provide ideas/suggestions/concerns to the other staff? I will do my part in providing ideas/suggestions to those who may request it or I feel the need to assist.
#4. What is your favorite channel in Life Needs a Little Sin...not judging. :)
One of my favorite channels is #animu-mange because of the animu. thanks for taking the time to read this
#1. Why do you have an interest in moderating for this community?
I have been almost a year and 4 months and i feel like i know the server very well inside out. I am active almost 24/7 in both the vc's and gen chat, and available almost most of the day so i decided to apply to try to be helpful with maintaining the mood. Also , i think being a staff isnt just kicking or banning someone , but its about the greater good of the server, and working to expand it in multiple ways.
#2. Are you friends with the members here (generally)?
I would like to think i am friendly with most members here and they know me back very well. i have been a long time here and have build a lot of strong bonds with everyone, and i am still trying to make friends with newer people joining everyday.
#3. Will you feel empowered to provide ideas/suggestions/concerns to the other staff?
Of course , as i said before , being staff is more than being a moderator looking at chats , its about the greater good of the server inside and outside the chats. Suggesting ideas that could benefit the server and expand it could go a long way to helping the community and its health. i also like to think i am pretty vocal about suggesting ideas to others and fix the problems at hand.
#4. What is your favorite channel in Life Needs a Little Sin...not judging. :)
i hope this is not a trick question and you're actually judging. its an easy question #pics-vid-random.
Before you are reading my application I want to thank you all who are currently applied as a moderator. You all are doing such a great Job and I hope that will last forever. Also I am german so I please excuse me if my spelling or gramma is incorrect.
#1. Why do you have an interest in moderating for this community?
First of all I really like the community because there are so many nations, many different types of human beings combined in one large Group of People. I joined the Server Maybe 1 1/2 years ago and I really enjoyed it. One Special reason why I want to apply as an moderator are the Events. As an Event participant I was part of many Events and I loved every single one of them especially the Karaoke nights. Since the age of 6 I am playing the guitar so for more then 12 years now. I wrote my own Songs and I love to share my Music with other People because why should I Keep it for myself. If People like my Music and are happy then I am so happy by myself. My goal as an moderator would be to Keep up the Events especially the Karaoke nights because yeah.. Music is love, Music is life.
#2. Are you friends with the members here (generally)?
Well I know many People, not the most but that is of School. I am Pretty busy but Pretty active if my spare time allows me so. I am not sure if many People could tell if they heared of me because I am a Pretty quite Person and I am mostly not Talking so much but I will try to Change that. So I mean my relationship with the other members.
#3. Will you feel empowered to provide ideas/suggestions/concerns to the other staff?
Sure I do. Like I stated in the first Question I already wrote my own Songs, put up own guitar Music and sang those Songs. My competence in such as Creativity is Pretty high and I would try my best in creating and suggesting new ideas to the other staff members.
#4. What is your favorite channel in Life Needs a Little Sin...not judging. :)
Well you may can already guess what my favorite channel is without me even telling you. It is definetly the Karaoke channel. I spend many time in it just practicing in playing the guitar and singing. Mostly I invite People in the channel to join me. Some People just came to listen and some to join with other Instruments. I really loved those type of People and even if I won't become an moderator I will Keep spreading happiness and Music among the People of this community.
In the end I just want to say thank you for may Picking me as a new moderator. I know there are many People who applied for this Job and I know I might won't get this Job but I am happy to be a part of this community and I will Always be one of it. Love you Staff Team. You are the best <3.
Circus Booby #2043
(For the record, I suck at following text, but the answers should still be there!
I used to moderate my main Robo server for a friend and though it was removed for complicated reasons I was always there come rain or shine to let newcomers in where others were unavailable, assign their roles, and additionally roleplay with them if I had the time! Additionally I was on the Admin team for Minecraft servers for a year on Xbox which may seem silly at first, but it's the most popular concurrent server with over 500,000 members!
I should be hired because of the reasons stated above but also because I always like to gain such a position first and foremost to be the welcoming hand to a newcomer, ease them in and assist them in any way they needed!
You shouldn't hire me, as the question entails because i'm like the most bubbly motherfucker I know and would explode into a confetti of gay rainbows if you poked me. >c>
I wouldn't necessarily change anything, though I would definitely improve it in any way I can! ranging from contests, user to user interaction and even suggestions that would be further debated on! Defo more emotes though, i can do them.
If I became a moderator, I would still be myself and similarly in personality to not enforce some kind of 'Godmod' persona that may put off a user.
The name's Jordy, i'm a super duper friendly dude and I write every letter here to hopefully gain a position to better this server and any other that will take me~
Kawaii.Buns #4281
#1. Why do you have an interest in moderating for this community?
I want to help the community to become bigger while maintain peace.
#2. Are you friends with the members here (generally)?
I am friendly to everyone.
#3. Will you feel empowered to provide ideas/suggestions/concerns to the other staff?
yes i will.
#4. What is your favorite channel in Life Needs a Little Sin...not judging. :)
Generally-waifus is my number one go to place.
#1. Why do you have an interest in moderating for this community?
Well because a mod seems interesting and I'm bored so maybe this will liven things up. Also might make more opportunities to interact with the members. And also I wanna experience being a mod so that I can learn how to be a proper mod in other communities.
#2. Are you friends with the members here (generally)?
Yeah I think. I feel like I'm on friendly terms with most of the active members or maybe it's just my imagination. But I do like discussing about random stuff with them.
#3. Will you feel empowered to provide ideas/suggestions/concerns to the other staff? Yeah well rather than feel empowered, I always go for anything interesting. So yeah I might end up just randomly spouting stuff I think interesting. Although half of what I say might not be as interesting as I think they would be so don't trust me on that.
#4. What is your favorite channel in Life Needs a Little Sin...not judging. :)
Hmmm this one is hard to answer. I usually just hang around general channel but I also like jump in the anime-manga, video game, mobile game channels cause there's also some interesting stuff to be found there. Oh but maybe I should answer ask-hime channel instead cause it's hime's channel owo.
#1. Why do you have an interest in moderating for this community?
I love this community, and i'd love to help out with keeping toxicity away and make sure everyone has a good time on the server, THe best thing as a moderator is to make sure everyone is happy and help them out if something is wrong, i treat everyone equal if i like them or not it dosent matter everyone should hasve the same treatment when it comes to punishment
#2. Are you friends with the members here (generally)?
yes i feel i have a bunch of friends on the server and click with everyone, and i don't really think anyone hates me since i've been nice to everyone
#3. Will you feel empowered to provide ideas/suggestions/concerns to the other staff?
Yes ofcourse that's a part of being a staff/moderator trying to improve the server and come up with good ideas, and i already have a few ideas, i feel like being a part of a staff member requires you to help improving the server in one or another way somehow.
#4. What is your favorite channel in Life Needs a Little Sin...not judging. :)
My favorite channel is the vcs or the #generally-waifus
1. Why do I have a interest in moderating in this community it sounds like a fun and interesting thing yo do and sin is a nice server I would like to help more people and I think I can help sin by becoming a mod
2. I'm friends with some pretty active people and got some best friends because of sin
3. I love giving people suggestions and ideas unless their good as is
4. Why do I have an interest in moderating in this community it sounds like a fun and interesting thing yo do and sin is a nice server I would like to help more people and I think I can help sin by becoming a mod
In all, I think it would be a great experience for both me and the community.
#1. Why do you have an interest in moderating for this community?
I am interest in moderating for this community, because I enjoy helping out others throughout the server I am in. Currently I am a active moderator in AFG (Anime Fan Group). I enjoy talking to everyone in the server and friendly to majority of the members active. My 3 month moderation experience taught me many things, from helping out members to keeping the server a safe place from trolls. I have been active and keeping watch on the server when I wake up to time I have to go to bed. Moderation to me is being friendly and to protect further conflict from getting out of hand.
#2. Are you friends with the members here (generally)?
I am usually friendly to all the members I met and have friends that is members in the sever. I will step out of my comfort zone to meet new incoming members.
#3. Will you feel empowered to provide ideas/suggestions/concerns to the other staff?
Yes, I will feel empowered to provide ideas/suggestions/concerns to the other staff. Not afraid to express my opinion if I feel the something is wrong. I am also open-minded and hear other opinions about the ideas/suggestions/concerns.
#4. What is your favorite channel in Life Needs a Little Sin...not judging. :)
My favorite channel in Life Needs a Little Sin is General chat and Member creations. I like These two channels because I enjoy talking to other members and see how creative arts the members made. I do post my drawings in Member-creations, so you will see my work in process and completed drawings.
Thank you for taking the time reading this application. I really appreciate it.
Reposted under Sin's Permission
#1. Why do you have an interest in moderating for this community?
I really like this Community; it's nice, there's all kinds of people, it's pretty active and it has a nice enviroment overall and it's a very welcoming community. I would really love to help and keep this community the way it is to my fullest.
#2. Are you friends with the members here (generally)?
You could say that, yes. I'm friends with most active members and some of the Staff Members, but then again I define friends the people I interact with the most but I generally don't have a hard time making friends.
#3. Will you feel empowered to provide ideas/suggestions/concerns to the other staff?
Yes, I would love to. I feel that one of the best ways to handle something like a community is communication and coordination between the people behind it, which in this case is the Staff Team, so I would try my best to communicate with the other Staff Members about Ideas, Suggestions and Concerns.
#4. What is your favorite channel in Life Needs a Little Sin?
I'd have to say, and this will sound very, very "normie", but it has to be General, and the reason for it is simple. General is the channel where everyone can talk with everyone, it's where people meet, it's where people have fun, it's the most active channel (clearly) and I like that, since people can talk with, well, have fun with each other, and can talk about (almost) anything. It's where the action is, and that's why I like it.