Game cover artwork (From Steam store page)

From Visual Novel Database:
Developer and publisher: NewWestGames
Released in 5 Jan 2016. Latest build version 3.0 released in 7 Sep 2016.
Steam trading cards consist of 5 artwork altogether, each with a different character sprite on A Wild Catgirl Appears! themed background with a background description of each character.

Steam profile backgrounds consist of 5 artwork, each with a different character sprite on a black background.

Game has 9 CGs in-game and another 2 extra CGs in game folder in most current game version. (11 altogether)

Game contains 14 BGM in OGG file format in game folder in most current game version.
First 12 minutes of gameplay. (From YouTube by Konadian)
Full review of game:
Steam store page: game page: