Developer and publisher: Neko Climax Studios
Publisher: Hammerfist Studios
Released in 28 September 2018. Soundtrack DLC released in 29 September 2018.
Steam trading cards consist of 13 artwork, each with a different character or item sprite on a different CG.

Steam profile backgrounds consist of 5 artwork, each with a set of character or item sprites on both sides or throughout a black background.

Game contains 15 wallpapers inside game data folder.

Game contains 12 BGM. The BGM Crocodile Tears are songs with vocals.
Initial gameplay video with author commentary on YouTube by GamersVoice
Full review of game:
Steam store page:
Album artist Bandcamp page:
This needs a live action adaptation as well a full length feature animated film.
It's a plot I would pay to watch again, and again. 😁
I am sure this game awesome as previous in deep space waifu serie.
I'm pretty sure that they could just make any theme for this game and I would find myself going out and buying it. 😅