Russian name: Бегство от принцессы
From Visual Novel Database:
Developer: Salamandra88
Publisher: 7DOTS
Released on 18 September 2018.
Steam trading cards consist of 5 artwork, each with a different CG or a meme version of a character sprite on a different background.

Steam profile backgrounds consist of 5 artwork, each with a different part of a CG, background scene or character sprite on both sides of a black background or on a darkened scene.

Game contains 46 CGs altogether. A few CGs will change slightly with censoring option turned on/off at preferences section in-game.

Game contains 25 BGM, of which 21 are from PeriTune and 4 are from WindSphere.

BGM from PeriTune:
BGM from Windsphere:
Full review of game:
Steam store page:
itch.io game page:
Game about witch who chased by princess. Sounds fun.
Oh wow! The artwork is really good
I'm really feeling this art now that you were able to add even more to this post!