Game cover artwork

From Visual Novel Database:
Developer: Seventh Heart Studios
Publishers: Sekai Project and Denpasoft(contain NSFW content)
Released on 28 Nov 2017
Game contains 3 animated CGs, 2 non-animated CGs and 2 additional animated H-CGs with uncensored patch.
Relevant sections in accompanying video below:
Animated CG 1: 5:00
Animated CG 2: 37:07
Animated CG 3: 1:32:11
Non-animated CG 1: 1:27:43
Non-animated CG 2: 1:35:12
Game contains 19 BGM.
Relevant sections in accompanying video below:
Hearts Uniting Piano version: 0:12 and 53:16
Hearts Uniting: 52:00 and 1:43:06
Sakura Petals: 36:53 and 45:12
Timeless: 39:46 and 1:25:19
Full gameplay video on YouTube by Mio 紅い蝶
Full review of game:
Steam store page:
Denpasoft store page(contain NSFW content):