Game cover artwork (From Irina Kozharnovich's Twitter page)

From Visual Novel Database:
Developer and publisher: Flaming Firefly and MangaGamer (Contain NSFW content)
Released on 4 April 2018.
Character sprites on Irina Kozharnovich's Twitter page.
Steam trading cards consist of 6 artwork, each with a different full CG in the game.

Steam profile backgrounds consist of 4 artwork, each with a different character sprite on a themed background.

Game contains 15 CGs altogether.

Initial gameplay video with author narration and commentary on YouTube by Bosskwar and the Weebathon
Gameplay playlist on YouTube by Bosskwar and the Weebathon:
Full review of game:
Steam store page:
Mangagamer game page (Contains NSFW content):
JAST USA game page (Contains NSFW content):
Nutaku game page (Contains NSFW content):