Game cover artwork (From accompanying game review)

Chinese name: 前進,天空塔! (From AnimuGame website)
Soundtrack DLC album cover artwork

Developer and publisher: AnimuGame ( 愛莉姆遊戲 )
Released on 30 January 2015.
Steam trading cards consist of 5 artwork, each with a different CG or concept art.

Steam profile backgrounds consist of 4 artwork, each with a different CG on black borders.

Gameplay videos with author commentary on YouTube by Plagen Gaming
Full review of game:
Forward to the Sky (
Steam store page:
I like the art style tbh
The castle looks like SAO's S1
but still, it looks amazing
Looks interesting, i might add it to my wishlist
The game looks really nice. I have to play it since it is on my steam account.
The castle looks like the one in SAO season 1 but not the same and the characters are quite cute too.
Looks like it could be fun.
it looks like small fun game, I have it on my wishlist.