Game cover artwork (From Steam store page)

Game cover artwork (From SakuraGame's Twitter page)

From Visual Novel Database:
From CnGal资料站:
Developer: AsicxArt
Publisher: SakuraGame
Released on 24 May 2018.
Character sprites at CnGal's webpage
Steam trading cards consist of 7 artwork, each with two character sprites or SD CG, themed wallpaper of a different colour on background and the Fox Hime Zero logo at one corner with matching colour.

Steam profile backgrounds consist of 7 artwork, each with a different character sprite or mini-SD sprite on a different themed wallpaper on background or a full CG in the game.

Game contains 19 CGs and 4 SD CGs (23 altogether)

Game contains 29 BGM and 2 theme song with vocals, of which 12 BGM are from Kevin MacLeod @ Incompetech, 17 BGM and both theme songs are from Maoudamashii.jokersounds.

BGM from Incompetech:
BGM and theme songs from Maoudamashii.jokersounds:
Full gameplay video of game version 1.1 with author narration and commentary on YouTube by GrayLowe
Full review of game:
Steam store page:
Google Play store page:
I added this game in my steam wishlist becouse of cute foxgirls.
Really loving all the artwork. Kawaii!
One day
I am going to get this.... someday.
Wow the CGs are gorgeous!
Hell yeah they do!
These CGs deserve more love and attention.
Full MV of theme song Where You Are with lyrics in Japanese on YouTube by KOICHI MORITA 魔王魂チャンネル
Full MV of theme song Still with lyrics in Japanese on YouTube by KOICHI MORITA 魔王魂チャンネル
The artwork is wonderful in this novel! <3