From Visual Novel Database:
Developer and publisher: PULLTOP and MoeNovel
Released in 14 November 2018.
Short preview of animated character sprites and game promo videos at MoeNovel website.
Steam trading cards consist of 6 different artwork, each with a different CG.

Steam profile backgrounds consist of 5 artwork, each with a different individual or pair of character sprites on one side of a background scene.

Game contains 26 CGs and 6 SD CGs (32 altogether).

Developer has 2 additional wallpapers for those who have the game in Steam library.

Game contains 10 BGM and 1 song with vocals.
Initial gameplay video with author narration and commentary by Bosskwar and the Weebathon
Full gameplay playlist on YouTube by Bosskwar and the Weebathon:
Full review of game:
Steam store page:
had a few technical problems with it but other then that pretty good
The white haired girl is my new waifu
Looks Cute