Japanese name: ねのかみ 京の都とふたりの姫騎士 後編

From Visual Novel Database:
Developer: Kuro Irodoru Yomiji
Publishers: Sekai Project and Denpasoft (Contain NSFW content)
Released in December 2016, on Steam and Denpasoft at September 2017. Extra Story DLC released in April 2018.
Character sprites and a selection of CGs at Kuro Irodoru Yomiji website.
Game contains 14 CGs, 10 SD CGs, and an additional 3 H CGs with 18+ DLC. (27 altogether)

Opening theme on YouTube by hentaicenter
Initial gameplay video with author narration and commentary on YouTube by KevGuueyAnime
KevGuueyAnime's Ne no Kami: The Two Princess Knights of Kyoto Part 2 playlist page on YouTube
Full review of game:
Steam store page:
GOG game page:
Denpasoft game page: (Contain NSFW content)
Nutaku game page: (Contain NSFW content)
Ive read and wrote a review for this second novel aswel.
Its a fascinating novel and i really did love it!
Here you can read my review: