It’s common knowledge that there are thousands of backgrounds on steam market for every taste possible. But how could one actually get to find backgrounds to match their profiles? Besides word-of-mouth, none, right?
Wrong. There’s a way for you to actually find backgrounds that you want, free of charge, and that place is animebackgrounds.co!
Anime Backgrounds is a small community dedicated on cataloging steam’s anime backgrounds, and will also give you the opportunity of filtering through thousands of backgrounds thanks to an unique backgrounds search system!
The way it works is pretty simple. To start, you just select one or more genres:

After this, you can apply any of the filters present on the search. There are filters even for “Fan service”.
If that wasn’t enough, there are actually hundreds of tags, manually inserted into each background, to better aid you in your search for the perfect background when you start pimping your steam profile again.

So if you are planning on work on your steam profile soon, Anime Backgrounds is certainly worth a visit!