The video shows you the GARNiDELiA openening theme song "Error"
The anime will start on January 12 and will air in the Animeism programming block.
The story :
With the introduction of an ultra-advanced AI that surpasses human intelligence, beings that mankind is yet to fully comprehend made from materials far too advanced for human technology begin coming into being. Lacia, an hIE equipped with a black coffin-shaped device, is one of these. In boy-meets-girl fashion, 17-year-old Arato Endo has a fateful encounter with the artificial Lacia. For what purpose were these artificial beings created? Amid questions regarding the coexistence of these artificial beings and humans, a 17-year-old boy makes a decision...
(Source: Tokyo Otaku Mode)
ClariS is performing the ending theme song "PRIMALove
The anime stars:
Nao Toyama as Lacia
Misako Tomioka as Kouka
Hiromi Igarashi as Snowdrop
Shino Shimoji as Saturnus
Sora Amamiya as Methode
Takuto Yoshinaga as Arato Endo
Kaito Ishikawa as Ryo Kaidai
Daiki Yamashita as Kengo Suguri
Saki Ono as Yuka Endo
Uki Satake as Shiori Kaidai
Yuki Wakai as Olga Suguri
Emiri Suyama as Erika Burrow
(source: myanimenetwork.com )