Onii-Chan is a kinetic visual novel featuring romance, comedy, and fan service by the developer Illya. As in the Steam store page description, the game storyline is about a Japanese student Sora who lives and attends the same school together with his two horny sisters Akemi and Kazumi. Over the course of this visual novel, Akemi and later Kazumi attempt to get close to Sora by being lewd and suggestive.

Right at the beginning, the storyline already begins with Akemi jumping on Sora and waking him up for school in a very lewd manner to indicate the amount of closeness Sora has with one of his sisters. Besides the crude adult humour and themes of brocon by the sisters in this visual novel, the game has nice artwork in the character sprites and achievement icons, and decent background music.
However, this game suffers from a very short and weak plot that doesn't make the reader feel attached to any character in particular or make the story memorable. A female character asked to go on a date with the protagonist, and it became a bad date in record time. xD The story didn't exactly explain why Akemi and Kazumi are so much into Sora which could have added more to the story. There are also translation errors throughout but still very understandable.

The play time is something that isn't a strong point for the game. After spending around 30 minutes to read through this entire kinetic visual novel and then see a To be continued... message. Let's just say that this is a rather short novel compared to others in the same genre. Onii-Chan doesn't have any CGs at all so the story could be completed even faster if you are a fast reader.
There are a few things that I really like about Onii-Chan, including the blinking eyes in the character artwork sprites, the game having normal profile features in Steam, and the nice achievement icons.
However, the very short playtime compared to the price at over a dollar after discount fell short of my expectations. Together with the unfinished ending, I hope the game can be expanded with a DLC or free update to continue the story and extend the playtime of the game. It would also be nice to have additional achievement icons rather than producing a new sequel entirely as new game releases will have a much harder time to get normal profile features in Steam with their current system. If the game can expand with additional content and improve on the translation, I will feel more comfortable with recommending Onii-Chan in future.
Full gameplay video with author narration and gameplay on YouTube by Nimious Plays