It has been a pretty long time since a game has actually been able to pull me in. I'm the type of person who is easily distracted by shiny objects which prevents me from making much progress into most games. My list of completed games is a disappointingly low.
However, Dragon Quest XI has pulled me in for over 70 hours already, and I'm still going!
It has successfully hit all the marks that I look for in a RPG game:
Story that draws me in and has me wanting to learn what happens next ✔️
Attractive characters (or at least interesting) ✔️
Expansive and beautiful world that I can explore ✔️
Battle system that is forgiving, but still fun ✔️
Fun and understandable crafting system ✔️
Great soundtrack that makes farming and battling less painful ❌
Okay, so it hit almost every mark lol... Still, I can handle the limited selection of repetitive tunes when it is really over shadowed by the other points.
I would categorize this game as a super casual RPG that is very story driven.
I highly recommend this title to anyone looking for that next RPG that just makes playing games a fun and enjoyable experience.
P.S. This really isn't to serve as a review, but more a just quick recommendation to my friends of a game that I have enjoyed and am still enjoying.

Hit me up in the comments if you have played any of the Dragon Quest games, and also what your thoughts are about Dragon Quest XI!
Love DQ11 too. I've not completed it yet, but I'm in Act 3.