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I would like to use the occasion to also give my sincere apologies to the developer & publisher, which offered us a copy to be reviewed, as it took a year to complete due to life issues.
Horny Elves and a Moral Orc is an Adult Visual Novel developed by Waffle and published by MangaGamer
30 years ago, a huge war took place in the world between Elves and Orcs. During this war, elves were enslaved by orcs, degraded as sex slaves, and for orcs to let their sexual lust go nuts.
But with a lot of courage, the elves regained control and exterminated the orc race to naught. Today, only one orc remains alive. At the time still a baby which was given the name of Donovan was unaware and innocent of the current events and as such, the elves' council and its members decided to let this baby live, but only with the countermeasure of a curse, a curse which remains unknown to him for 30 years. But these days are fated to change.
Donovan lived alone, secluded in a deep forest, a fair distance away from any elves and humans. His survival and teachings were assured by a single person, Goddess Fiona, the goddess of the elves. Thanks to her, Donovan could build his own house, set up a garden, build an altar to pray to the goddess every day, learn to hunt, and assure his own survival. This remains the same until one day when Fiona speaks to him in his dream stating that his peaceful life is about to change.
This is also where Donovan learns about the curse which was set upon him.
But what this curse meant for him physically remained unknown to him. The only hint he knew was that he was ordered not to harm or sexually assault any elves he might encounter. With this knowledge, his new adventure began.

On his way back from the altar Donovan heard some strange noises coming from a bush. After some investigation, he found two cute-looking girls half collapsed on the ground.
In a panic, he started to help them until he discovered that the two girls were two elven sisters named Eymie and Myshla. Soon enough, after some recovery, the elves too realized that they were looking at a real Orc... and combined with their amazement at this fact, their true nature as to why they are so far out in the forest is slowly becoming known.
With agony, Donovan is now facing the fate of his curse, being the prey of two young elves. He starts running to try and get away but in vain. His attempt on getting through to the two elves to explain that he possesses a curse that will kill him if he has sexual relations with an elf is ignored and both elves do not believe in his words one bit.

With an Orc hunt now taking place, Donovan is about to discover the painful truth of the curse. But WAIT! Goddess Fiona comes in with an ACE card up her sleeve! The curse can be lifted under certain circumstances. This means that if the Orc is the one getting violated by elves, forced into sexual acts, or ejaculating by an elf's hand, the curse will allow him to be resuscitated.
Cool right? But this does indeed not imply the situation in which he is sent back in time. So in order to compensate for the misery, Donovan is gifted with a special ability, which is destined to help him to get out of the premise awaiting him - since he will not be able to come back to life if it happens again.
And so, his daily struggles between life and death begin.
Nonetheless, Goddess Fiona promises him a life full of joy and happiness if he can get over this trial.
Will Donovan be able to hold his oath? Will he be able to survive this... near-impossible trial? The answer to this goes through a parody of lust, craziness, and some calm moments where the two elves try to suppress their sexual urges.
With time, various defeats, and deaths to Donovan, he each time earns a new ability to help him counter the always new challenges he is faced with Eymie and Myshla.
These abilities allow him to get back on his feet by countering the two girls' daily sexual attacks such as preventing them from using aphrodisiacs or paralysis magic.
After a certain time, beginning with a dream Donovan has, a new encounter is bound to happen which will put him in serious trouble yet again. Even the two sisters will not be able to help him with what awaits.

World Presentation and Visuals
The world in Horny Elves and a Moral Orc is set in a large forest, far from any human city or the elven village. Donovan settled himself in a sunny place that contains every source he needs in hand's reach. A lake is also not far away from his home where he can fish and bathe in.
The elves' village is well presented with a nostalgic flair. The human city Zoldark, on the other hand, is two-sided. One side makes it perfect for trading and buying resources, which is also, in the bustling merchant area, where Donovan procures the materials he needs.

But on the other side, it is a dangerous place thanks to bandits and brigand groups involved in all kinds of theft and crimes involving human slavery.
Knowing that orcs and elves are prioritized races for these crimes he does not like to stay in this city for too long.
Character sprites are good, have variations in different clothes, positions, and are nicely made. All CG's and scenes can be reviewed from the main menu.
I really appreciate the menu presentation - besides featuring a nicely designed menu, we have some funny sprites movements by switching through the different menu options, with the elves, a bear, or a bandit group reacting to the choice you are scrolling over. Very well done!
Voice & Music
The Visual Novel is fully voiced except for Donovan who only has a few reactional grunts, which I find sad. Every character has their own voice, so having Donovan not being properly included gives a general feeling that something is missing. Overall, the voices are nice and done well. Even the scenes during sexual acts are very intensive.
The background music is decent, with 16 tracks in total with variations depending on the current mood and actions. There was a nice blend of piano, drums, and flutes throughout. All the music titles can also be listened to by going to the main menu.

Overall Impressions and Thoughts
Horny Elves and a Moral Orc is a Visual Novel that understands its target audience. You are regularly bombed with sexual acts, sexual harassment, erotic air - a total sexual mess that takes place in front of you. What makes the game enjoyable past the obvious smut, is the parody-like ambiance given thanks to a certain ignorance, dumbness, acts, and funny comments throughout.
The diversity of sexual adventures is quite vast, and touches on various fetishes as you continue through the story. For all the focus on sexual content, the game provides a convincing story, appropriate feeling world, funny characters, an emphasis on diversity in the cities and villages showing how various races can live side by side.

The elves are presented to be rather perverted. With even the goddess taking the sexual tongue, we have to wonder if she really is a goddess. I personally liked how the elves are presented, even if in an overwhelming fashion, thanks to the comedy added to it. The history of the world gives off the hardship and impact of being the one living orc known to date. Having him take on the sexual tsunami wave is in this situation what speaks totally against the history books, which made me question how much this war was really necessary and wished for.
After completing the game, I am left with the following questions: Was it really the orcs that couldn't control their lust, and were the elves really against being dominated by orcs considering the amount of perverseness they have?

A sequel would be interesting to have to read the truth of how everything took place because I took quite a liking to this world.
The sexual acts are very deep, and detailed, surprisingly well voiced even. The amount of lust that we are facing is enough to make anyone go dizzy. Everything that sex can involve is presented in this novel with attempts of violating an orc.
The game does not feature any achievements but contains 4 different endings. These endings being all different is sweet, though I would have liked to have them be a bit longer and more developed in detail. I found them, sadly, a bit short.
This visual Novel is one of a kind. Combining a detailed world, characters containing their own quirks, and a good art style all mixed with sex, lust, parody, and enjoyable music make this a complex novel that I cannot recommend for just anyone. The number of sex-themed scenes is so over the top, that even people actively looking for sexual content might be overwhelmed. For readers that are looking to get the full dose of hardcore hentai, however, there is no better game than this novel. :3
Check out the game at the Steam store page
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Thank you for the review. I'm glad you managed to finish it and write a detailed review despite your busy schedule.
This VN costs 84,99 BRL,so unfortunately Ill buy it only on a good sale u.u